Therapeutic Foster Care

Connect B4 Correct understand that external energy from the environment is absorbed into the developing brain via sensory information, (smell, touch, sight, sound, taste), which is then individually transformed into a ‘patterned activity of sensory neurons’ (Perry, 2006), a ‘Cluster’ of sensations. The external world acting as the architect of the brain. For example, like a ‘Cluster’, of like-minded individuals who hang out together.  With time these ‘Clusters’ develop into larger ‘Clusters’ with different ‘sensory’ members through shared associations.  Smell, touch, sight, sound, and taste, therefore come together to build large ‘Clusters’ of multiple associated sensations. Membership of these ‘Clusters’ is by associations – such as for example, the experience of having a bath - the smell of bubble bath, the touch of the cold floor, the sight of a bathroom, the sound of running water, and the taste of steam in the air – these sensations become the ‘Bath Cluster’ - multiple associated sensations related to having a bath. When the sound of a bath being drawn the brain seeks out the ‘Bath Cluster’ to know how to interact - is it safe or dangerous and how should the body react. Connect B4 Correct work with foster and adoptive parents in ways to build new ‘clusters’ – gradually and patiently rewiring the brain.

Perry, B., (2006), Applying Principles of Neurodevelopment to Clinical Work with Maltreated and Traumatized Children: The Neuro sequential Model of Therapeutics. In N.B. Webb (Ed.), Working with Traumatized youth in child welfare (pp. 27-52). The Guildford Press.


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